Wine A Little Wednesday – Noble Vines 446 Chardonnay
This weeks 'Wine a Little Wednesday' Chardonnay comes to us from Monterey, California. Monterey is considered by many winemakers as the perfect setting for growing Chardonnay grapes.
The true winemakers like James Ewart , who is behind Noble Vines 446, say one of the best ways to preserve the balance of acidity is to get the grapes to the winery quickly. "This is a San Bernabe, wine, and the winery is right here", he explains. "I can pick on the riper side, knowing I'll be able to bring it to the winery quickly while it's still cool".
If you think a lot goes into making that bottle of wine that you have in your hand you are 100% correct.
I must say this Noble Vines 446 Chardonnay is only fair and I'll pass. It's a little too strong for my taste.
In doing this piece on wine for the last few months I've learned so much and only just scratched the surface. Take your time with each bottle and notice the subtle differences in each wine that you try.
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