Trooper Alvin P. Kurdys Fallen But Not Forgotten
Police officer put their lives on the line every day. Unfortunately, there are times when officers make the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty for the state of New York. We want to make sure those officers who have Fallen are not Forgotten.
This week we salute Trooper Alvin P. Kurdys. Trooper Kurdys died at the age of 42 on September 15, 1987. Trooper Kurdys was working a "B" Radar detail on the New York Thruway near Batavia, while issuing a traffic ticket to a motorist who was stopped for speeding, Trooper Kurdys was advised that a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed was heading toward him. Without warning the vehicle struck Trooper Kurdys, killing him instantly. The motorist who struck him was convicted of criminal negligence.
If you know an officer who should be remembered in our 'Fallen But Not Forgotten' series email