Top Apps For Thanksgiving And Christmas
Some are free, some are just wonderful. Here's the apps you'll need to get through Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Traveling App
Sometimes keeping track of flights and when who will be arriving can be mind numbing. Don't put too much thought into it this year, Introducing Tripit. Guess what? It's free.
Shopping App
Need a little help on the Blackfriday shopping? Try using this Black Friday App. You can organize all the great deals, and not have to camp out in line for a week. Best part, it's free, and allows you to sit inside nice and warm.
Being Thankful App
Stop and take a moment to be Thankful. This is 'Merica and it's the holiday season. Need a reminder on how to do this? There's an app for that. Introducing Thnkfl for the iPhone. Thnkfl challenges you to be thankful for three things each day, which you share in your own words or pics. Guess what, all this thankfulness is free, thank you!
Cooking App
Butterball not only has a turkey hotline, they now have an App. Introducing the "Butterball Cookbook Plus - Recipes for Thanksgiving & Every Day Occasions" App. This has everything you will possibly need from planning a meal, to actually making one. This gem is free.
Parade App
Get ready to interact with the parade for 2013. Macy's has released a new app for 2013 to interact with the parade through video clips of the classic balloons, and all the behind the scenes action you can handle. Guess what, it's free....and Matt Lauer free.