It's no secret that Utica's birthrates have been tanking for decades but we're not the only ones and Denmark is going to great lengths in order to inspire Danes to procreate
The ever-curious folks at Durex put out a study wondering just how high a priority watching football was if a roll in the hay was dangled in front of fan's faces.
Jennifer Lawrence, currently on a press tour for 'American Hustle,' stopped by 'Conan' the other night and told a fun little story about the time a hotel maid found a huge stash of butt plugs under her bed. Really.
When it comes to bacon, you can never have to much. I'm the kind of guy that will add ten tons of bacon to every food I eat. It gives me a little heartburn, but it's totally worth it. Is the world ready for the next step of bacon, adding it to sex? Apparently it is. A company named J&D is now selling the bacon condom. Introducing J&D’s Bacon Condoms.
So you've heard a lot of buzz about the GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial but have you seen this? This is a banned Skittles commercial that deals with a wedding night, and different forms of "Giving the sugar!". Warning: This video is NSFW, but honestly it's hilarious. Watch the real banned Skittles commercial here.
Every morning you need to wake up to get to work and start your day. It can become a very boring routine Want to switch it up in time for Valentines day? How about adding some morning sex to the mix? Here's reasons why morning sex is the best sex for your health, and for your total well being.
Wow, talk about a back-and-forth. He's accused, then he's innocent and now he's guilty. Well, the verdict top appears to have spun out for good but does this mean that our beloved red furry guy is done too?