Practice Your Hatchet Throwing Skills At This Buffalo Bar
Buffalo is a pretty good size town and when I think Hatchet Throwing I'm thinking the North Country not the city of Buffalo.Well, for all you would be lumberjacks it's time you heard about Hatchets & Hops. This bar serves up beer and lets you have a throw or two; we're talking small ax. When my eye caught these several things came to mind. Like, do they have leagues? One can only think what would that possibly be like? We're talking an ax, not a bowling ball and when do you stop? When you can no longer hit the target but start scaring customers.
Owners Dustin Snyder and Andrew Piechowicz discovered hatching throwing just over the border in Toronto. This venue was just the 3rd hatchet-throwing bar to open in the United States. Now a year later it is one of 10.
You can rent a lane for $240 or pay $15 to throw as much as possible in an allotted time. Space is also available to rent for team building.
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