Foster a Better World as a Foster Parent with The House of the Good Shepherd
Last year, The House of the Good Shepherd's foster care program helped 630 children, but the need for new foster care homes continues to grow.
Foster parents can be single-parent families, blended families, same-sex partners, empty nesters, or those who may not be able to have biological children of their own — anyone who can provide support, guidance, and a caring environment for children who have been through trauma.
Foster children of all ages need short-term care as their families receive services to work toward reunification. If family reunification isn't possible, foster parents help the child work toward adoption, kinship (placement with a relative), or living independently.
Foster parents must be 21 years or older and complete this process:
- Complete the foster care application
- Participate in an orientation
- Successfully complete The House's free 10-week training by meeting one-on-one, in your home, or in a group setting
- Pass a State Central Registry Database check/ criminal background check
- Be an active participant in the certification/ approval process
They also receive this support from The House:
- Professional staff on call 24/7
- Individual, family, and group counseling
- Coverage for children’s medical expenses
- Respite care services
When you become a foster parent, you want to make a positive difference in a child’s life. You don’t anticipate the positive changes it brings to your life. If you're interested in opening your heart and home, visit uticafostercare.com.