Griffo Bill Would Allow Wine Ice Cream To Be Sold In Smaller Containers
Senator Joseph Griffo is introducing legislation that would allow wine ice cream to be sold in containers smaller than a pint.
The bill would amend the state Agriculture and Markets Law that requires frozen dessert be sold in packaging that contains at least a pint.
Griffo says he hopes to accommodate the demand for smaller packaging sizes so wine ice cream could be more easily consumed at occasions like weddings and fundraisers.
Roxaina Hurlburt, director of marketing for Mercer’s Dairy in Boonville and one of its original owners, said: “Every event or venue we’ve had access to has been asking for smaller Dixie cups for people to eat wine ice cream out of, since many people don’t come to these venues looking to carry around pints of ice cream. But out of the 22 states we sell in, New York is the only state that has size restrictions on wine ice cream.
It was Senator Griffo's efforts 10 years ago that made it legal for wine ice cream to be sold in New York state.
The bill is being sponsored in the Assembly by Assemblyman William Magee.
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