EXCLUSIVE: Hear Ryan Quinn’s Original “What Comes Next” On CNY Bands That Rock
We're so happy that Ryan Quinn made some time for us on his short trip home. In this edition of CNY Bands That Rock we'll hear his new tune 'What Comes Next,' and I promise it won't disappoint.
Ryan lives in Los Angeles thanks 'The Voice' but CNY is still his home. Although Ryan has no agent, he is very busy playing out. He says "I don't have a real person job I'm pursuing music full-time whether it's corporate events, college shows, studio work, playing for 4 hours at a five-star resort in Laguna Beach, whatever I'm doing it involves music."
Tim Moyer, lead singer of Gridley Paige, and a college booking agent, contacted Ryan
If I can just play my own music, and travel, and make enough money that pays my bills, if I have a family, support my family. I'll be happy
after the Voice and had him perform a showcase for universities. They loved him, and now Ryan is on a college tour where every show is different from how many students attend to the locations. He'll be back on the road on October 10, 2017, with a tight schedule.
10/10 @ California University of Pennsylvania – California, PA
10/13 @ Mitchell College – New London, CT
10/16 @ Pace University – New York, NY
10/17 @ Penn State Dubois – DuBois, PA
10/18 @ Penn State New Kensington – New Kensington, PA
10/18 @ Penn State Greater Allegheny – White Oak, PA
10/19 @ University of Pikeville – Pikeville, KY
10/21 @ Gannon University – Erie, PA
10/25 @ Fox Theater – Boulder, CO (Chris Cornell Tribute!)
10/27 @ Cervantes Ballroom – Denver, CO (Cornell Tribute!)
What's He do in His Spare Time?
Ryan doesn't have much spare time, but when he does he loves hanging with his Voice friends at Hotel Cafe. You might know the place as Ryan tells us: "Adele had a live album recorded there, John Mayer just played a secret show at this place, but it's also really like approachable, and people that are just normal people like me can go and play there too. So me and a couple of my voice friends would go, sign up for the whole night, book a couple months in advance and make a night of it."
Any Family in L.A.?
Ryan's 'L.A. Dad' and mentor is Rome native Frank Briggs, former drummer of 805 and owner of the world renown Drum School. He's amazed by the talent the Ryan possesses and put together an all-star band consisting of Loren Gold (The Who, Kenny Loggins) on keys, Chris Golden (Rod Stewart, Carly Simon, Black Eyed Peas) on bass, Aaron Kaplan (Rod Stewart, TV, Film Composer) on guitar and Briggs on drums to produce some tracks while searching for management and a label. The mutual respect that these two guys have for each other is refreshing. Ryan says "He's got my back and it's really appreciated. Especially in a town as superficial as Los Angeles."
Hopes and Dreams?
We asked Ryan where he would like to see his music career go? He said "If I can just play my own music, and travel, and make enough money that pays my bills, if I have a family, support my family. I'll be happy."
More About His New Song:
Ryan's original song is called "What Comes Next." Ryan says "It's about being in a new place and meeting people, that like we spoke of earlier, that are, you know, you can kinds see through their facade, and you kinda avoid them and on the other side being grateful for the people you have in your life that aren't like that."
We are pleased to partner with Big Apple Music in CNY Bands That Rock. Big Apple Music is a proud supporter of local musicians and bands.
Bonus Video:
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