On any given day, even the littlest things never cease to amaze me.  Did you hear about this next trend for coffee drinkers?  For me my first thought when I hear “new coffee trend” is did they come up with a new flavor?  A new way of brewing?  A biodegradable K-cup?  What could it be?

Ok, here it is…adding butter to your coffee.  What?  Seriously?  I’m not getting enough calories from that Holland Farms jelly bun, let’s add several more calories to my already sluggish metabolism.

This isn’t a new idea, however.  The Tibetans have added yak butter to their tea for a long time in an effort to limit calories in order to survive harsh climates.  Not sure what that means exactly.

Aside from our brutal New York winters, we really don’t have those type of conditions here, which is why this trend, if it actually will become one, is likely short lived.

So, who is participating in this crazy custom?  The Crossfit community.  That crazy bunch.  Essentially, they are more attracted to the high-fat, low carb diet that this coffee is known for.

It’s also said that it tastes good, although, unless it is accompanied with a large dose of cinnamon, I really am having a hard time getting on board with the idea that this tastes good at all.

There is actually a brand of this buttery coffee called “Bulletproof”, which originated, where else, but the silicon valley.  Marketers of the product claim that it helps you lose weight and helps you stay focused for hours.

Hold your horses there, you mean I can’t just slip a pad of butter into my morning cup of Joe?  Nope.  The company insists that in order to get the full effect, you can’t use your basic coffee beans found in your local supermarkets.

Ok, here it is, and “upgraded” coffee bean.  Of course.  Coffee beans 2.0?  Years of research by companies have supposedly come up with a coffee bean that does not cause jitters.  You may be asking the same question as I am…how does caffeine not cause jitters?  Well, the bean is also grown on a passive organic farm and does not contain myotoxins.  Lord knows we have too many of those these days.

Wait, don’t open another web browser so you can Google “myotoxins”, they are a type of mold that researchers warn can cause health issues like cardiomyopathy, cancer, hypertension, kidney disease, and even brain damage.

So, how do they do it?

Well, if you must know, check out this link for more information.  Once again, I don’t see this taking off in the Mohawk Valley Region.  What are your thoughts?  Willing to try it?


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