A Roundabout at a Square.  Something just doesn't sound right with that.  But we've had it here for several years now and it hasn't caused any major disasters.  It's definitely a topic of debate among local residents.  For instance, you've never heard anyone say "they should build more of these throughout the city".  But most people prefer it to the previous setup.  I worked downtown the last couple years of the old Oneida Square traffic light system and drove through it a couple times a day.  IT WAS HORRIBLE!

You could easily get stuck at 3 lights, back-to-back, for 10 minutes!  When the Roundabout was completed, I never once waited more than a minute to get through those few blocks.  So now that it's been here a few years, how does a normal traffic-flow look through the Roundabout?

Here is about 3 minutes of "sped up" footage.  There were a couple times that the light at Hobart Street had traffic backed up all the way to Popeye's, but all-in-all I'd say traffic flowed pretty smoothly during lunchtime.

Have you witnessed any really dumb moves through the Roundabout?


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