The Navy’s Blue Angels, Air Force’s Thunderbirds and Army’s Goldern Knights Grounded From Airshows Due To Sequestration
Last month we covered a story about how military jet flyovers at stadiums were done away with thanks to the sequester, but now things have gotten worse. If you haven't sever seen The Navy's Blue Angels, the Air Force's Thunderbirds and the Army's Golden Knights at an air show, chances are you won't because they've all been grounded now too due to sequestration.
Not only are these demonstration teams grounded but because they are the headlining act for many air shows, two-thirds of the nation's air shows have been canceled too due to far fewer spectators expected.
"The worst case is that they either cancel and go out of business, or they don't cancel and they have such poor attendance and they go out of business," the International Council of Air Shows President said. Economic impact studies indicate the shows are worth $1 billion to $2 billion nationwide, he estimates.
"Having the Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels is like having the Super Bowl, it's a household name," Bill Walkup, manager of the Martinsburg, W.V. airport told the AP.
Th spokesman for the demonstration teams says it costs nearly 10 Billion annually to wow us, and that money now needs to be spent on keeping the jets in the air doing what they were created for in Afghanistan. I gotta admit I didn't know what sequestration was, but given these aviation cuts that hit close to home, I'm paying very close attention now. I guess we don't care about wars far away or politics we don't understand until the results smack us here at home in some way...