Pets Face This Danger Now Through Early Spring in New YorkPets Face This Danger Now Through Early Spring in New YorkFrom now until early spring, all outdoor pets are facing an increased risk of being attacked or even killed by a wild animal.MeganMegan
Don't Be Alarmed if You See Coyote in CamdenDon't Be Alarmed if You See Coyote in CamdenSeveral calls have been placed to the Camden Police Department from concerned residents about a coyote in the area. PollyPolly
Pets in New York in Greater Danger Now through Early SpringPets in New York in Greater Danger Now through Early SpringFor the next couple weeks, pet owners need to be under increased alert during the scariest season of the year. MeganMegan
New York Hunter Says He Mistook Family's Slain Dogs for CoyotesNew York Hunter Says He Mistook Family's Slain Dogs for CoyotesA New York hunter is claiming that he mistook a Connecticut family's German Shepard dogs for coyotes before he killed and skinned them.James KellyJames Kelly
Are Coyotes Dangerous? Truth Behind NYs Most Misunderstood AnimalAre Coyotes Dangerous? Truth Behind NYs Most Misunderstood AnimalAre they friendly? Are they dangerous? When it comes to wild animals in New York State, coyotes have to be the most confusing of them all.CarlCarl
Hide Grandma! Wolf Confirmed in Upstate New York!Hide Grandma! Wolf Confirmed in Upstate New York!New information confirms large canine killed by a hunter in Otsego County last winter was, indeed, a wolf and not a coyote.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
Is Coyote Hunting Animal Cruelty Or A Public Service In New York?Is Coyote Hunting Animal Cruelty Or A Public Service In New York?Hunters and animal enthusiasts are clearly divided in their opinions, but the actual answer may surprise you.CarlCarl
Stunning Photos Capture Toy Thief Coyote Playing Just Like a DogStunning Photos Capture Toy Thief Coyote Playing Just Like a DogStunning photos capturing a coyoting playing like a dog in Trenton Falls, New York have been seen around the world. PollyPolly
Tire Tracks in the Snow Solve St Lawrence County MysteryTire Tracks in the Snow Solve St Lawrence County MysteryHome alone, a 15 year old girl has unknown men knocking on the door and a dog fight happening in the backyard.Tad PoleTad Pole
DEC Warns Utica Rome Residents to be Coyote ConsciousDEC Warns Utica Rome Residents to be Coyote ConsciousDo this if you come face to face with a coyote.Tad PoleTad Pole
WATCH: Uncommon Coyote Spotted in New YorkWATCH: Uncommon Coyote Spotted in New YorkIt's a "dark-phase coyote".CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Driver Photographs Apparent Coyote Wandering Sherrill Street During the DayDriver Photographs Apparent Coyote Wandering Sherrill Street During the DaySeveral commenters expressed concerns at the animal, which does not appear to me a dog, prowling the neighborhood in broad daylight.BethBeth