Don’t Be Alarmed if You See Coyote in Camden
It's coyote breeding season in New York and the potential for human interaction increases.
The animal, which looks a lot like a German Shepard, begins to expand the area where they search for food, especially in April and May when pups are being born and there are more mouths to feed. They used to live in rural areas but have easily adapted to living close to people.
Coyote sightings have become more common in Central New York over the last few years.
READ MORE: Coyote Attacks Family in New York
Coyote in Camden
Several calls have been placed to the Village of Camden Police Department from concerned residents about a coyote in the area. It's been seen near the walking trail and pavilion next to the Byrne Dairy.
It's not real. The coyote is a decoy that is being used to keep the geese from gathering in the area.
READ MORE: Are Coyotes Dangerous? Truth Behind NY's Most Misunderstood Animal
If you happen to see it while you're out walking in the area, do not be alarmed.
From the picture the Camden Police Department shared, it sure looks real. And who's going to get close enough to make sure? Maybe they should put up a sign next to it, letting people know.

Avoid Coyote Encounters
The DEC offers these tips on minimizing the chance of a coyote encounter:
- Don't feed your pets outside
- Make your garbage inaccessible
- Fence or enclose compost piles
- Eliminate the availability of birdseed
- Don't allow your pets to run free
- Remove brush and tall grass to reduce protective cover
Stunning Photos Capture Toy Thief Coyote Playing Just Like a Dog
Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams