Rome Animal Cruelty Investigation Underway For Dog Tied in Erie Canal
CNY SPCA is asking for your help in solving an Animal Cruelty Investigation case in Rome.
Do you know dog pictured above? Do you know the owner? See anything suspicious with the dog in that area of Rome on Monday, July 30th, 2018? If so please call CNY SPCA Cruelty Investigations Department at 315-454-3469.
The dog was allegedly tied to a log in the water off the canal trail at the end of Luquer St and left there.
According to their press release:
The CNY SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigation Department is looking for any information regarding a dog found tied to a log by Rome Animal Control on July 30th. The dog was tied to a log in the water off the canal trail at the end of Luquer St. Anyone with information can call the CNY SPCA Cruelty Investigations Department at 315-454-3469 or e-mail at crueltyinvestigations@cnyspca.org all callers information will be kept confidential.
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