Rick Lewis From Local TV Show ‘The Beer Next Door’
Rick Lewis is airing a TV show called 'The Beer Next Door' on WUTR Thursday, July 30th at 7pm. He talks about craft brewing, craft beer, brewmasters, beer festivals and every thing that has to do with beer.
Rick got curious about craft beer years ago and started researching and attending beer festivals to learn more about it. On one of his trips to Colorado he actually had a brief interview with Charlie Papazian who according to Wikipedia is an American nuclear engineer who founded the Association of Brewers and the Great American Beer Festival, and wrote The Complete Joy of Home Brewing. Papazian is the current president of the Brewers Association. It's said he started the craft beer movement.
Some local crafters and businesses that will be featured on 'The Beer Next Door' include Fulton Chain Craft Brewery, Good Nature Brewing, Tailor and the Cook, and Nail Creek.