Meet Kari Crimmins Of American Idol – 50 Musicians In 50 Days
The Crimmins family has been a musical dynasty for the better part of this century and the heir-apparent to that throne is no exception. Kari has been making her musical presence known since she was a toddler and now she's all grown up, getting a unanimous nod from all three American Idol judges to head to Hollywood. We got Kari on the phone and learned more about what makes this Whitesboro native tick. Listen in and meet the girl who will steal your heart, whether or not she's your next American Idol.
photo: Kari Crimmins
Catch Up On Kari's Journey So Far...
photo: (Kari Crimmins w/ her golden ticket) Chris Pandolf
Now Hear What She's Up To Next!
photo (Kari Crimmins w/Showtime) Jerry Crimmins
Put a face to the voice and don't click away until you catch this video of Kari's road so far on Idol!!
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