Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) ~ An Invasive Beetle ~ Found In The City of Rome
DEC staff discovered the presence of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in Rome, NY as a result of the regular monitoring efforts to detect the beetle.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been confirmed for the first time in Oneida County by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and the USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
EAB (Agrilus planipennis) is a very small but very destructive beetle. It has four life stages: adult, egg, larva and pupa. The adult beetle has a shiny emerald green body with a coppery red or purple abdomen. The beetle measures 1/2 inch long and 1/8 inch wide.Infested ash trees
Once an ash tree is infested, most of the canopy will be dead within 2 years. Tiny larvae bore through the bark and into the cambium - the area between the bark and wood where nutrient levels are high. The larvae feed under the bark for several weeks, usually from late July or early August through October.
The number of New York counties has now climbed to 35. The DEC will continue to survey municipalities with Purple Prism Traps. According to New York Invasive Species Information: Prism traps are not used to control EAB populations. Emerald Ash Borers are attracted to the purple color of the traps, which are covered in a sticky substance you don't want to touch. The traps are also baited with a lure made of oils that are similar to those present in ash trees. PPT's cannot be purchased; they are part of the United States Department of Agriculture surveying program.
The DEC says that human-assisted movement is the primary means by which EAB is spread and moved around the state, particularly on firewood and infested ash logs. DEC regulations prohibit the movement of firewood beyond 50 miles from its source. Quarantine regulations also prohibit the movement of ash wood out of "Restrictive Zones" in order to delay the spread of EAB to nearby uninfested areas. Updated quarantine maps are available on DEC's website
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) and NYS DEC have revised their quarantine regulations by creating 14 Restricted Zones more tightly encompassing the current known EAB infestations.