CNY Population Continues To Drop
Upstate New Yorkers continue to head for the exits and show no signs of slowing down, taxes, jobs, housing and cost of living are taking a toll.
in a few places, they have been leaving faster over the past seven years than Broome, Chemung, and Tioga. An average rate of 84 people leaving each month in Broome, 39 in each month in Chemung and 29 each month in Tioga.
New York southern tier counties are among the state's leaders in population loss. Add to the list Delaware, Steuben, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegheny, and you have eight Southern Tier counties among the 25 in the state with the most people fleeing, totaling more than 26,000 per month.
Those are the stark statistics from the recently released population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. The estimates continue a year-long trend that has people departing the state, with too few moving in to make up for the dramatic losses. In Elmira, where the state has pumped in millions in to revitalize the downtown, officials are trying to tout new commercial and residential in a struggling upstate city that has been in a decline since the 80's.
High taxes continue to be a thorn in the side of development as are jobs, the overall cost of living and rates on housing. Why would I move to a state that is one of the most expensive places in the country to live?