CNY College Discovers Time Capsule
Hamilton College discovered time capsule from 1890 while doing work on college grounds.
The letter inside the time capsule was written by Joseph D. Ibbotson, class of 1890. Ibbotson detailed what it was like to attend Hamilton college in 1890 and what the college required just to attend the college. Though the college had broken with tradition so far as to permit electives in the upper-class years, it was still rigid. It seems to have been constructed on the assumption that we were all to fashioned in one mold.
The observations were made by Joesph D. Ibbotson, class of 1890. Ibbotson was born in Binghamton, NY At Hamilton, he was a member of Chi PSI and PHI Beta Kappa, graduating with a bachelor of arts degree in 1880 and a master of arts degree in 1894. Following draduation, Mr. Ibbotson spent one year at Hamilton as the college libara. In 1891 he entered Union Theological Seminary, graduating in 1894. He then went to europe and attended the University of Berlin and the University of Halle. In 1911 Dr. Ibbotson was named librarian at Hamilton College, serving in that office until 1936.
While not exactly in line with college entry programs of today it certainly was a lot more difficult to get in to Hamilton than it was today.
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