You Will Now Be Able To Visit Your Loved Ones At Mohawk Valley Health System
Before the COVID-19 Pandemic the local hospitals would only ever suspend visitation if the flu numbers began to creep up too high. Now, for over a year it has been nearly impossible to gain admittance to a hospital to visit a loved one, regardless of their condition. Now, things are changing and it will make recovery for those hospitalized patients a little easier.
Mohawk Valley Health System announced Wednesday that per New York State Department of Health Guidelines they are going to be updating their visitation policy and loosening restrictions brought on by the Global Pandemic we have all come to know as COVID. These changes are dramatic, but are one more sign that hopefully this virus may be finally getting under control.
MVHS officials announced the following visitation policy changes.
1. Inpatient Units: Visiting hours have been reinstated seven days a week from 11AM to 1PM and 4PM to 6PM. Each patient may have two visitors at one time.
2. Emergency Department: Patients may have two support people with them during the admission and registration process, then may rejoin them after treatment.
3. Medical Appointments: Anyone attending a medical appointment at any of the MVHS Medical Offices may be accompanied by a companion.
MVHS officials also announced very detailed visitation instructions for maternity patients. They say,
Pregnant women will be allowed two labor support people once they are determined to be laboring or at the time they are a scheduled for an induction or Cesarean section. This includes a doula who, if requested, may accompany the patient throughout labor, delivery, and the postpartum period, including recovery, until discharge to home. The support persons can be the patient’s spouse, partner, sibling, parent, or other persons of their choice. These support persons may be with the patient outside of the hospital's regular visiting hour blocks.
You can find the full Mohawk Valley Health System Visitation Guidelines at mvhealthsystem.org/visitation.
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