Trout Stocking Numbers by County in Central New York
The waters are being stocked, and we have the list of all counties and the distribution of yearling and older trout for the spring fishing season right here.
The first day of trout season has come and gone, but the conditions were not good for landing many if any.
Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Brook Trout are currently being added to area lakes, ponds, creeks, streams, and rivers. The DEC gives you access to the anticipated number of yearling and older trout to be stocked into waters this spring.
You can now purchase your fishing license online. The next Free Fishing Weekend is June 23-24, 2018. During Free Fishing Days/Weekends, anyone can fish the fresh or marine waters of New York State and no fishing license, or recreational marine fishing registry is required. All other freshwater and saltwater fishing regulations still apply.
Free family fishing clinics are where families can also fish for free; no freshwater fishing license or enrollment in the Recreational Marine Fishing Registry is required. In addition to fishing, participants can learn about fish identification, fishing equipment and techniques, fisheries management, angling ethics and aquatic ecology.
Looking for a place to fish? NYS has more than 7,500 lakes and ponds and 70,000 miles of rivers and streams with plenty of places to try freshwater fishing. Follow the link below for places to consider fishing, including the cold water and warm water fishing forecasts and some 0f the best fishing locations in New York State.
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