This Is The Most Wikipedia Searched Person in Utica
A website called Pudding.Cool has compiled the most Wikipedia'd person from each Central New York town - and frankly, we have questions.
If you don't know, Wikipedia is a "free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world." If you want to know about something, Wikipedia probably has information for you.
Of course, every area in the United States has their own interests, and that's reflected in the Wikipedia pages visited most often by residents.
For example, Syracuse is searching for Tom Cruise. Why? I don't know. Maybe y'all are really looking forward to the Top Gun sequel. Or the next Mission Impossible. Or you're thinking about Scientology. Or it could be that Tom Cruise was born in Syracuse.
Utica, you've been searching for Joe Bonamassa. Makes sense, since he's a native son and a pretty talented guitarist.
Apparently, Utica and Syracuse aren't the only ones looking for information about famous people that were born in their towns. Herkimer has been searching for Scott Flansburg - known as the "Human Calculator" - who was born, you guessed it, in Herkimer. Vernon is looking for Philip Markoff - born in Sherrill - also known as the "Craigslist Killer."
If you want to check out the map for yourself, just go the People Map at pudding.cool.
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