
Parents Say Persistent Bullying at RFA Not Being Addressed
Parents Say Persistent Bullying at RFA Not Being Addressed
Parents Say Persistent Bullying at RFA Not Being Addressed
After a video circulated of a student hitting another student in the RFA bathroom, parents and family members of students are questioning whether the district is working to the "best of their ability" to combat bullying in their school.
Woman Born at St. Luke’s Hospital in Search of Her Birth Parents
Woman Born at St. Luke’s Hospital in Search of Her Birth Parents
Woman Born at St. Luke’s Hospital in Search of Her Birth Parents
Erin Laurey of Holland Patent will be turning 40 this year, and all she wants for this milestone birthday is to be reunited with her birth parents. She was born on October 23rd, 1976 at St. Luke's Hospital in New Hartford. All she knows about her birth parents is at the time her mother was 26, and her father was 22. If anyone has any information that can be of help, please let us know.
Top 8 Strange School Supplies That Have CNY Parents Scratching Their Heads
Top 8 Strange School Supplies That Have CNY Parents Scratching Their Heads
Top 8 Strange School Supplies That Have CNY Parents Scratching Their Heads
It's the time of year every parent budgets for, school supply shopping time. Each August Moms and Dads flock to the stores and clear the shelves of pens, paper, binders, folders, and more. Most school supply items on the list sent home are pretty normal, but there are a few this year that have parents scratching their heads. Here are the Top 8 Strangest School Supply List Items.

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