
What To Do If You Clog Grandma’s Toilet This Christmas
What To Do If You Clog Grandma’s Toilet This Christmas
What To Do If You Clog Grandma’s Toilet This Christmas
Christmas and New Year's Eve are two holidays that bring families together. Usually a lot of food is eaten and drinks are drunk. Naturally, our bodies respond to this intake and the use of a bathroom is usually required. So, what happens when you make the embarrassing mistake of clogging the toilet?
Lifehacks That Still Work From Over 100 Years Ago
Lifehacks That Still Work From Over 100 Years Ago
Lifehacks That Still Work From Over 100 Years Ago
Back in the 1910s, Gallaher Ltd of Belfast & London and Ogden's Branch of the Imperial Tobacco Company printed a "How-To" series that they inserted into packs of cigarettes. Today these are considered highly valuable, and the advice still works today. Here's a few lifehacks they printed that still could be applied today.

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