There are often a lot of questions regarding if its permissible for police officers to pull you over randomly without reasonable articulable suspicion that you committed a crime.
"There are no words to describe the pain myself, our families, and friends are feeling after the selfish actions of a drunk driver." Those word from an Oneida teen who lost her "true love" in a tragic car crash.
21 year old Chris Kalbaugh set up a video camera in his car and turned it on while driving through a DUI checkpoint on July 4th (of all days, no accident there) with the intention of documenting if police would let him exercise his constitutional rights and the result has recently gone viral.
An alleged drunk-driving accident in suburban New Orleans had two surprise twists: one, the house the driver rammed had been hit by another car three weeks earlier, and two, the person behind the wheel blamed the occupants of the house for causing the wreck.