Shaquille O’Neal On The Adirondack Scenic Railroad
Shaq was ‘Running Wild with Bear Grylls’ in the Adirondacks in July, and we now know he went for a ride on the Adirondack Scenic Railraod.
NBA Legend Shaquille O’Neal was plucked from a freight train via helicopter. It turns out the 'freight train' was the Adirondack Scenic Railroad in Lake Placid. Mark Piersma, Marketing Director of Adirondack Railroad said "Yes, Shaq did ride on the train in early July along with the NBC film crew: NBC was great to work with and the Adirondack Scenic Railroad works with production companies from all over the US and Canada quite often."
Shaq was in the area shooting the TV show 'Running Wild with Bear Grylls.' Bear takes celebrities on a 48-hour trip where he pushes them to the limit by surviving off the land and also gets them to open up about very personal topics. Hmm, what do you think Shaq will spill the beans about?
We can see the full episode of ‘Running Wild with Bear Grylls,’ Monday, August 29 at ten p.m. EST on NBC.