Pizza Blotting – Will Your Slice Taste The Same [VIDEO]
Cindy McMullen/TSM[/caption]Are you a pizza blotter? Is a napkin another topping on your pizza? Some people dab in hopes of saving a few calories and fat grams. Does it work? Does it taste the same?
Common sense says 'blotting' your pizza has to remove some fat and calories. You've noticed the grease on top of your perfect slice. That's loaded with calories and fat. If you need proof look at your napkin, or refer to They just released the results of a scientific study proving you save 4.5 grams of fat and 40.5 calories off a slice of Dominos pepperoni pizza by blotting with a napkin.
The remaining question is, does it taste the same? I did a scientific test using my taste buds. Do you think you can tell the difference if your slice is blotted with a napkin?
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