New York Tops States With The Fewest Break-Ins For 2016
Generally, New York is a pretty safe place to live. According to a recent survey, New York is actually the top state in our country with the fewest breaks ins.
A recent study by ASecureLife found New York is the safest state to live in when it comes to burglaries. The study used FBI data to give New York this honor. New York landed at #1 with only 223.7 break ins per 100,000 people.
Surprisingly, New York takes the prize for being the safest state in the US when it comes to break-ins, and it may have the police’s “get tough” policies to thank for its low burglary rate of 223.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. In the 1990s, New York law enforcement increased their arrest rate for various crimes and saw a decline in robberies as a result."
Hopefully we can keep this trend going in 2017.
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