We all want beautiful, glowing skin. Preferably with minimal effort, less stress to our wallets and more actual benefits we can actually see in real life. The women's beauty industry and the socials that now fuel it, is full to the brim of stuff and what not that one is supposed to try for beautiful skin. But one such beauty treatment stands out from the pack. It's not some cream that probably doesn't work. It doesn't require an appointment to some fancy spa. It's relatively inexpensive and it can be done in the privacy of your own bathroom.

What is This Miracle Without a Bottle?


Ever heard of Gua Sha? According to US News and World Report, "Gua sha is a natural treatment from traditional Chinese medicine that means “to scrape away illness.” Doctors of Chinese medicine, such as acupuncturists, will use gua sha, along with acupuncture and other healing techniques, to help patients. In ancient times, coins and even bone were used to perform the scraping associated with gua sha. Nowadays, gua sha usually is done with a specially designed handheld tool made from stones like jade and rose quartz."


Women's Health notes that "The reason this form of facial massage has grown in popularity is because of its serious results. “You can make phenomenal changes to your own skin,” says Britta Plug, co-founder of Wildling Beauty. “And you can give yourself a facial at home whenever you want without toxins, without chemicals, without having to constantly repurchase an expensive peel or mask.” Plus, it simply feels good.

Benefits of Gua Sha


"Gua sha works deeper in the skin since it creates friction. This friction releases facial muscle tension and improves lymph drainage. The result is a brighter, clearer complexion. By increasing the circulation every day, we start to move those waste products out of the skin, which helps to clear out things like blackheads or breakouts. We see a reduction in hyperpigmentation too,” continues Plug. “Think of it as if your skin was made of glass and there's all this murky stuff beneath it. Once you clear that murk out, you can see that light finally shining through.”

Read more about the benefits of Gua Sha here.

Local Maine Farmer Believes in Cruelty-Free Farming to Produce Skin Care Products

A Maine Farmer has found a way to own a cruelty-free farm in order to produce his products from his Emu's and Goat's.

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