Herkimer Residents Could Go To Jail Over Yard Sale Permits
The Herkimer Police Department is reminding residents that a permit is required to hold a Garage Sale. Those who engage in this activity without a proper license will be guilty of a misdemeanor and will suffer consequences if convicted.
The Village Office of Herkimer says a permit needed for a tag sale and you'll be charged $5.00 payable when you apply for the required permit.
In 2012 the ordinance was amended from 1986 regulating garage sales in the Village of Herkimer. This Local Law is in effect immediately. Here are some highlights:
- The sale may not include goods, new or used acquired by the seller for resale.
- No goods for sale shall be allowed or kept outside of the sellers building at times other than 9 am - 6 pm.
- No signs or advertising can be posted at a public right of way including utility poles, traffic signs, trees rocks and more.
- Application for a sign permit must be made in writing on the form provided at the Village Office.
- Permits must be displayed at the sale.
- No more than 3 sales allowed per year, and only 2 permitted in a 6 month period.
Section 5 states: A violation of any of the provisions of this law will subject the permit holder to a suspension of the right to obtain further permits for a period of up to 1 year.
Section 6 penalties include:
Any person who willingly engages in any business activity enumerated under this article without a proper license or permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine no less that $100 or more that $500. Each offence shall be a separate distinct offence, and in the case of a continuing offence, each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct offence. Upon arrest for operation without a license or permit, the accused shall be required to post bail in the amount of $100.
Take a look at the official law regulating garage sales in the Village of Herkimer.
Do you know of any other areas that have these strict laws?
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