Health Update On Freddy ~ Dog Found Hurt, Emaciated And Tied To A Pole In CNY
We're working with Freddy's foster parents to bring you updates on his condition. He has a long road ahead, but it will do your heart good to see how incredibly resilient animals are when they are loved.
Hillary Snogles-Dunn
Please help Freddy receive the medical treatment he needs by making a financial donation. If you have any information about who did this to him contact the Utica Animal Control or Stevens-Swan Humane Society
Utica Animal Control at (315)223-3557
Stevens-Swan Humane Society (315)738-4357
"A person brought this sweet dog to our shelter after finding him tied to a pole at the park on Stark Street in Utica. He is extremely emaciated and has some type of injury or burn to his muzzle.
He was examined and treated by a veterinarian and is currently offsite receiving care. We named him Freddy and are happy to say he is in good spirits and hopeful he will make a full recovery." [Stevens-Swan Humane Society]
Food, shelter, and love. When life's necessities are met, animals can thrive. Look at Freddy's eyes. He's getting a spark! We can't wait to see what's to come as his foster parents help him physically and emotionally.
Freddy is 2 or 3 years old and is nothing but skin and bone, probably half of the weight he should be. He has to wear sweaters and jackets to help keep him warm. He rocks the look!
Freddy foster mom says Freddy is checking out the squirrels in this picture. She says is face is like a big scab, but it's starting to heal, and the swelling is almost gone. Getting stronger every day.
Check back soon for another update on Freddy. YOU can help Freddy receive the medical treatment he needs by making a financial donation.
If you have any information about who did this to him contact the Utica Animal Control or Stevens-Swan Humane Society
Utica Animal Control at (315)223-3557
Stevens-Swan Humane Society (315)738-4357
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