DEC Officer Kills Black Bear Inside An Old Forge Home
Imagine waking up to a bear wandering around your house! The black bear entered through an open garage door late at night, probably looking for food.
The DEC had to take down a black bear in Old Forge. The bear walked through an open door into a private residence and made it's way to the second floor during the 'late night' hours on July 20th.
Adirondack Express reports the bear became aggressive and unwilling to leave the home and was then humanely euthanized by the ECO.
While DEC does not wish to have to put any healthy ani-mal down due to the actions of humans, DEC must weigh the safety of all parties involved and human life takes precedence. [Adirondack Express]
Black bears are an essential and natural component of New York's ecosystem. You're asked to help maintain and protect the bear while protecting yourself and your property by not feeding bears and by reducing bear attractants.
New York Black Bear Population Facts:
- Currently estimated at a minimum, there are 6,000-8,000 bears in NYS
- 50-60% inhabit the Adirondack region
- 30-35% inhabit the Catskill region
- 10-15% inhabit the central-western region.
- Bears are now well established in many other areas, including the Tug Hill, Hudson Valley, and across the Southern Tier.
- Transient bears are routinely encountered throughout the Lake Ontario Plains, Mohawk Valley, and St. Lawrence Valley.
- Except for Tug Hill, these other areas include a greater proportion of agriculture or have higher human densities, making them less suitable for bears due to the higher likelihood of human-bear conflicts.
The DEC wants to remind homeowners of steps they can take to avoid conflicts with bears.
- Store garbage cans and grills in a secure building or location.
- Secure lids on outdoor trash containers with chains and locks and/or protect them with electric fencing.
- Do not leave garbage containers outside overnight; put them out immediately before pick-up.
- Remove bird feeders and suet.
- Feed pets indoors and store pet food indoors.
- If you or your neighbor are having problems with nuisance bears or suspect someone is feeding bears, please report immediately to the DEC dispatch at 518- 897-1326.
[H/T Adirondack Express]