DEC Asking You To Take Down Bird Feeders
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is reminding you to prevent bears from easily accessing food sources like bird food and garbage by bringing it inside.
Help reduce human-bear conflicts and nuisance bears by not allowing them easy access to food. They are coming out of their dens and they are hungry!
Due to poor natural food availability last fall, many black bears went into their dens with low-fat reserves and as they begin to emerge from winter dens, have already begun seeking out food sources around homes. [DEC]
Feeding bears either intentionally, which is illegal, or unintentionally through careless practices around properties, has consequences for entire communities.
Adirondack and Northern New York black bears are on the move. Bears are knocking down bird feeders to eat the seed says the DEC. They have been notified of nuisance bears and want to remind homeowners of steps they can take to avoid conflicts with bears.
- Store garbage cans and grills in a secure building or location.
- Secure lids on outdoor trash containers with chains and locks and/or protect them with electric fencing.
- Do not leave garbage containers outside overnight; put them out immediately before pick-up.
- Remove bird feeders and suet.
- Feed pets indoors and store pet food indoors.
- If you or your neighbor are having problems with nuisance bears or suspect someone is feeding bears, please report immediately to the DEC dispatch at 518- 897-1326.
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