New York Tells How To Avoid Unwanted Friends Coming Near Your Home This Spring
It is the time of year when bears awake from their slumber. Here are tips to avoid them coming near your home.
With the warmer weather we have been having, that is a sign spring is here. Another sign is the way more obvious one, the official first calendar day of spring is this Sunday, March 20th. As noted above, bears are starting to wake up out of their winter hibernation, and they are hungry. So what can you do to avoid seeing a bear strolling through your yard?
It Isn't That Hard
Bears by nature are very opportunistic eaters according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. In other words, they literally will take whatever they can get in most situations. That garbage bag sitting in the can beside your house might just be a prime target for them. Bird feeders and food left outside for your pet can also be a source of attraction for them too.
Unnerved? Here Is A Bear Fact That Might Change Your Mind
See this bear just chilling up in a tree? He could be sitting like that in your back yard patiently waiting for another round of garbage to be served. The DEC also says bears have a keen memory, especially when it comes to where they can find sustenance. If they have found food in your yard once, it is very feasible they might return remembering just how easy it was to get a meal.
What Do You Do?
This is the easy part, bears haven't woken yet. the NYS DEC is advising by April 1st you get down all birdfeeders, avoid allowing trash to sit outside, and also bring in your pets food to avoid an unwanted issue there too.
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