CNY SPCA Needs Your Help
It's hard to imagine people being cruel to animals, it's very sad but true.The most recent case that points this out is the over crowding of 100 animals at CNY SPCA These animals are attached to cruelty cases in Oneida county, actually Utica cruelty cases. As reported by News Channel Nine in Syracuse
The CNY SPCA has found itself at capicity due to housing animals from cruelty cases in Utica
Besides the increase of mouths to feed there is the issue of vet bills for the animals. One animal was in need of over $3,000 in vet bills.
June 21st 44 cats were taken in from a case in Utica, July 5th another 23 cats were removed from a Utica home. then on July 11th 34 cats and 4 dogs were removed from another Utica home.
The area shelters are working together to make sure all of the animals are taken care of and found new homes once the court cases are cleared.
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