You’ve Heard Of CNY Snow Days – But How About Heat Days?
It's back to school this week in CNY and when temps get too cold in the winter for walkers or roads become impassable, snow days easily get issued, but what about when the temps are too hot? That is a question that the teacher's union in Albany is asking.
Schools aren't known for having air conditioning (at least not where I've lived all my life), and in fact I can't think of a single one that has it that I've ever been in, so this proposed legislation makes a TON of sense to me. What doesn't make sense is why it's taken so long for lawmakers to notice. I mean, I even remember teachers teaching with the lights off and throwing fans in windows to try and keep the temps down!
Those thatare proposing this bill are saying that once the temperature gets to 82, school should be called off. Read more HERE.