5 Things You Can Do To Prep Your Car For Winter
I know you're thinking it's not Winter yet why are we talking about it?
Winter is around the corner and it's easy to put things off until it gets here. So, here are 5 things you can do now to get your car ready for winter.
First put together a Winter Driving Box for your car. Here is a short list of what you'll need. A Flashlight, road flares, a first aid kit, a few blankets, a change of clothes for the driver, extra pairs of gloves, a radio, fully charged cell phone, a bag of sand to help with traction on ice, an extra scraper, and some high-energy snacks
Second, check your engine coolant and make sure it is made for this part of the country. We have been known to have some pretty bad winters and the coolant may keep your engine running when you really shouldn't be outside. You can get a kit for checking coolant levels at your local parts store.
Third, check your tire pressure and tread depth. Actually, you should put winter tires on your car. You will be amazed what a difference they make when trying to get around this winter.
Fourth, windshield wiper fluid. You need to have winter fluid as it will not freeze as it contacts a cold windshield when temperatures get down to single digits and seeing out your windshield becomes almost impossible.
Fifth, switch to a winter grade oil at your next oil change. Generally speaking, you want your oil to be thinner the colder it gets. Make sure you change to a winter oil on your next oil change and save yourself a lot of grief done the road.
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