When Is The Best Time To Visit Theme Parks?
A big part of summer vacation is the theme parks, and there are plenty of them within driving distance from this area. Darien Lake, Great Escape, Hershey Park, and many others. This past Friday, we spent the day at Great Escape, Six Flags, in Lake George. We arrived close to 10 am and departed the park close to 6 pm, and we we able to tackle every single ride with little or no wait.
Why? First of all, it was a weekday. Generally the crowds are much smaller on a weekday. Even though we were there on Friday, middle of the week is usually better. As the end of the summer approaches and back to school time is upon us, these theme parks are visited less.
You will even see most theme parks offer discounts for the remainder of the operating year, just to drive in more business.
Secondly, the weather wasn't necessarily the best summer day ever. I'm not saying purposely schedule a time to go when the weather is not so nice, it just happened that way for us. Still a great day, though a bit cooler than usual.
Also, with many other things going on in the area, county fairs and such, everyone else is busy doing those things, which frees up plenty of space at the theme parks. Once school starts, a lot of the theme parks close during the week. After Labor Day is still a good time to hit the parks.
Most families have had their last hoorah for the summer and are ready to get back into the swing of things with school. Enjoy what is left of summer and hope to see you on the roller coasters!
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