What is New Yorks Favorite Retro Video Game?
Happy National Retro Video Game Day!

What, you didn't get me anything? That's ok. I didn't expect you to remember. But yes today is National retro Video Game Day. It is a day to celebrate the games you grew up with. Whether it was the games you pumped quarter after quarter into at the pizza parlor, or the cartridge you blew so much dust our of to make it work, or that first beautiful cd based game with the long loading times, these are the games we celebrate today.
This hits very close to my heart as I have recently jumped head first into the retro game pool. Over the last year, I have acquired 2 complete Nintendo Entertainment Systems, a Game Boy, a Sega Nomad and a bunch of games for all. I have regrets and yet I have none. It has been fun.
But what games do I love the most? And more importantly what games do you love the most? Empire Stakes has compiled a quick list of the top 4 retro video games that are searched for and loved in NY.
Coming in at Number 4 with 17% of the vote is Pac Man. The classic that defines classic. Equally as simple as it is addictive, versions of Pac Man have been available for every major console, from the Atari 2600 to the PS5. We will never tire of the great balance achieved by running from the ghosts until we turn the tables on them and hunter becomes hunted.
The adventures of Link in Hyrule have spawned many games exclusively for Nintendo over the last 35 years, but the first is still considered by many to be the top of the heap. 23% of New Yorkers seem to agree that the first mission to save Zelda from Gannon was one of the greatest video game adventures of all time.
28% of New Yorkers crossed company lines to celebrate the Blue Hedgehog that gave a certain plumber a run for his money. Sega's brilliant marketing of "Sega Does what Nintendon't" really caught the imaginations of people as they watched Sonic The Hedgehog and his immense speed due to "Blast Processing". For every console that tried to create a mascot, it appears Sega has ultimately succeeded.
It may come as no surprise that Mario and Luigi take the top spot with 32% of the votes. Super Mario Bros. changed video gaming. The side scrolling platformer looked amazing compared to it's contemporaries and inspired families to gather together and play. It and it's sequels have an endearing quality that finds new generations of fans on a daily basis.
What are your favorites? Hit me up on the app and let me know.
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