Westmoreland Couple Stationed at Fort Polk Helping Community Rebuild After Hurricane Laura
A Westmoreland couple who just moved from Fort Drum to Fort Polk, Louisiana a month ago are helping the community rebuild after Hurricane Laura.
Major Matthew Boise and his wife Jodi are working to get necessary items to families in need after the area took a direct hit from the hurricane. "We want to help others that are struggling as temperatures are high and some supplies are hard to find in the immediate area," said Jodi.
The area suffered significant damage and power outages. Jodi says their home that they just moved into earlier this month after leaving Fort Drum, didn't sustain damage, but others weren't so lucky. "There are a lot of tall trees that went down, causing them to fall in roads, power lines, and even houses. It’s worse off post in the surrounding small towns."
Power is expected to be restored on post sometime this week but Jodi says off post, it could be 3 to 5 weeks. "Most of us prepared for a few days of no power, but now food in refrigerators have gone bad and sleeping outside and cooking on a grill has become the norm for most."
Gas, ice and water are needed daily but are in short supply. "We are starting to see more help come from the USO and local businesses opening for food and supplies," Jodi said. "A lot of people are traveling over an hour to get what they need, including gas. Some have even traveled 4+ hours to get generators."
Some people are staying in hotels or with friends and family." There are many that don’t have the means to do so and those are the ones we are trying to help," explained Jodi. "A lot of people are in need of the basics and are having difficulties getting them."
Jodi and her husband are collecting donations of diapers, formula, charcoal, water, batteries and other essentials to distribute to those in need. If you want to help, contact Jodi on Facebook.
See Hurricane Laura Destruction
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