Watch O.J. Simpson Plead His Case To The Parole Board – Would You Let Him Off? [Video]
Is it just me or is your impression too that O.J. Simpson is just plain volatile and trouble just seems to follow him everywhere he goes? He's served five of his 33 years for armed robbery and was up for parole yesterday. We have the video of the hearing so put yourself in the parole commissioner's seat, was his argument convincing enough for you to grant him parole? Even though his speech in 'Shawshank Redemption' wasn't real, Morgan Freeman still gets the award for best parole hearing speech EVER. Come to think of it, O.J.'s may not be all that real either...
Top 5 Aaron Hernandez Memes - Patriots Cut Him After His Murder Arrest
(Former) Patriots Tight End Aaron Hernandez will be useless in the Fantasy football draft much less as a player unless of course they play some prison yard football because he woke up behind bars today and traded in his NFL jersey for a striped one...