Upstate New York Woman Catches Fish With Two Mouths
If a fish has two mouths are you twice as likely to catch it? Debbie Geddes from Peru, NY reeled in the unusual fish and ever since the picture hit FaceBook theories abound on what created the oddity.
The story as reported by the NY Post, say Debbie was fishing with her husband on Lake Champlain when she hooked something that felt really big. Once in the boat, they obviously noticed the two mouths. The couple snapped a few pics and returned the trout to the lake, thinking no one would care about the story.
When one of her co-workers shared the picture on Knotty Boys Fishing's Facebook page, they quickly learned how much everyone did care. Theories expressed include lake pollution, an injury from the fish being caught once before, and of course never rule out, it could be an offspring of the legend of Lake Champlain, Champy the lake monster.
Read more on the story at the Post's website