It’s Almost Time to Tiptoe Through Tulips & Cut Your Own in CNY
It's almost time to tiptoe through hundreds of thousands of tulips in the first U-cut field in Central New York.
North Star Orchards opens its property for scenic walks through the blossom-filled apple orchard to the cut-your-own tulip field, which is filled with nearly 200,000 tulips this year. "To be in an orchard when it’s in full bloom, is illuminating," says George Joseph, who bought the nearly 200 acres 3 decades ago, turning it into fields of fruit, vegetables, and evolving beauty, day and night.
Tulips Peeking Out
Colder temperatures have delayed the start of tulip season this year, but the fields are starting to bloom.
"Things are certainly pushed back this season due to Mother Nature, but we’re excited to see the flowers starting to peek out."
U-Pick Weekend
You should be able to cut your own tulips or just wander through the beauty by mid-May.
We anticipate opening for U-CUT on Friday May 13th (weather permitting).
You'll need to bring your own clippers or scissors to cut the tulips. Don't pull the bulbs out of the ground. Boots may be another good idea for walking through the field, especially if it's rained before opening weekend, which it seems to be doing a lot of lately in Central New York.
You can also purchase fresh-cut tulip bouquets in the market if you don't want to cut your own when they've bloomed.
We’ll share more details as the date gets closer.
Walking Trail
The walking trail to the tulip field is approximately 1/2 mile round trip and parking is available at the North Star Orchard market. Don't forget your camera to capture the beauty before they are all cut down.
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