There was another possible public contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 at a local Oneida County business, according to County Executive Anthony Picente.

The person, who has now tested positive for the virus, visited three New Hartford businesses on April 11th, and made possible contact with the public, said Picente. Health Department Director Phyllis Ellis said the risk to the public is low. "The person, who was wearing a mask visited Beer Here between 12 and 12:30 p.m., Peter's Cornucopia between 12:45 and 1:30 and Bremer's Wine and Liquor between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m.," said Ellis. Anyone who has been at these locations during that time frame should monitor themselves to make sure they don't have symptoms.  Ellis said potential contacts should monitor themselves through April 25th, which would conclude the 14 day contagion period.

On Thursday, Picente also announced possible contact with an out-of-county person who has tested positive of the virus and recently visited Big Lots in Rome and Nicky Doodles on Route 365 in Verona. According to Health Department Director Phyllis Ellis, people are being asked that if they have recently visited those businesses, they should monitor their health. If they develop symptoms, they should contact their healthcare provider. Ellis said those contacts are also low risk.

During the daily COVID-19 briefing, Picente said that there are 14 new cases that tested positive for the virus in Oneida County. Fatalities remained at six and 33 county residents are hospitalized. Oneida County's positive cases continue to grow with the total now at 263 people.

Picente said that he will not hold a public briefing on Saturday and Sunday. Stay tuned to WIBX, and the WIBX app for updates as they become available.

COVID-19 Situation Report - By The Numbers in Oneida County 4/17/20

Fatalities: 6   

14 new cases

263 total

33 Oneida County residents hospitalized,  21 MVHS  6 Rome, 6 Out of county

186 Active positive cases

Resolved: 71

Total negative- 1386 

Total tested to date: 1829

Total test results pending:  180

Mandatory Quarantine: 443

Precautionary Quarantine: 430

Total discharged: 1885

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