The Worst Smelling People on a Plane – Our Bottom 5
If you've ever traveled by plane, train or other public, mass transportation you're bound to encounter someone who smelled, um, a bit off-putting. If you've traveled this way a lot, you'll know that there are different nuances to stink. Below are the 5 worst smells to encounter on a plane, train or any auto that's not yours.
The Perfume Bather
The perfume bather comes in both male and female forms, but oddly from different ends of the age spectrum. Invariably, female perfume bathers are of a certain age usually wearing faux fur, more jewelry than Mr. T and a gallon of White Diamonds. Overly scented guys are generally younger and think that spraying a whole bottle of Axe will get them girls - it won't.
The Basic B.O.
Basic B.O. comes from someone who has showered recently, like maybe within the last decade, but just not today. This smell is worse on a subway when the offender is standing up holding the bar overhead for support with their underarm open to the breeze.
The Baby Smell
Babies are cute and adorable - but they have a particular odor. It's a heady mix of soiled diaper, wet-naps and remnant spit-up.
The Pet Hoarder
Pet Hoarders are not just late-night reality TV fodder. You'll know that you've encountered one on your plane as they'll smell like the menagerie they left behind. You'll get hints of kitty litter, dog biscuits and wet hair. As an added bonus, they'll unwillingly share some animal dander with you.
The Cheese Smell
A true cheese aficionado could tell the difference between a Rochford and a Munster. But the distinction won't matter much to you if you're on an 8 hour flight next to someone who bears this sour dairy funk.