Listen to a New Song From Stephen Stills’ Supergroup the Rides
Stephen Stills' latest all-star band the Rides have announced a title and release date for their second album. You can check out "Virtual World," the first single from the record, above.
Stills formed the Rides a few years back with Barry Goldberg and Kenny Wayne Shepherd, after earlier stints in Buffalo Springfield and Crosby Stills Nash and Young. Pierced Arrow, their new album, is set for release on May 6.
Stills says the title has a political bent. “A pierced arrow is one with a hole in its feathers – no telling where it will end up," he says in a press release announcing the album. "It could be a fierce warrior about to unleash an arrow that has been tampered with, just as likely to come back and hit him. I kinda feel that way about the general state of things. Sometimes well-intended messages will veer wildly off course.”
Goldberg has worked with Michael Bloomfield in Electric Flag, as well as Mitch Ryder, the Ramones and Leonard Cohen. He first collaborated with Stills on 1968's Super Session, which also featured Bloomfield and Al Kooper. Shepherd, meanwhile, has notched more than half a dozen Top 10 blues hits, and has worked extensively with Double Trouble, Stevie Ray Vaughan's former backing band.
Pierced Arrow follows 2013's bluesy Can't Get Enough, the Rides' debut album. Goldberg says that their time together since then has only drawn the group's members closer to one another creatively.
“I love the first album – but this one is even better because it reflects how we’re evolving into a real band," Goldberg says. "The chemistry is just so good between the three of us. We all have so much respect for each other. When we recorded the first album, we knew it wasn’t just a one shot deal. But along the way, and through touring, we actually found out just how well we played together."
See Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Other Rockers in the Top 100 Albums of the '70s