CNY Teen Gives Back To Upstate Galisano Children’s Hospital
Being a 13 year-old can be tough enough, but imagine having to add dealing with a brain tumor to that emotional stress.
A year ago, Riley was undergoing treatment for a brain tumor at Upstate Galisano Children's Hospital. Now he's doing his part to give back.
After getting a clean bill of health, Riley wanted to make the other children at the hospital happy and more comfortable so he got his mother to help him gather a bunch of toys and even an Xbox One to deliver to them!
Here's Riley's story in his own words:
1 year ago when I was 13 years old I was diagnosed with a brain tumor me and my family went through a very hard process of healing and I am doing great I'm back with my loving family. I couldn't thank Upstate GALISANO Children's Hospital enough. So to give back me and my mom decided to give to the sick kids. Since my mom worked at Aaron's she got an Xbox One and other goodies for the kids at GALISANO and we were so happy to see the smiles on all the kids faces the smiles on their faces and the happiness made me realize even in their time of despair they can be enjoyed with a simple gift. So in my story I learned to give back in any way possible.
Even after going through all that, all Riley could think of was helping the other kids at Galisano Children's Hospital.
That's the perfect Lovin' Moment.
Thank you Riley!
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