Kindness From a Stranger in Rome Makes One Woman’s Day
It doesn't take a million dollars or a huge act of kindness to make a difference. Just doing something small can make someone's day, just like what this young woman did at the Walmart in Rome.
Jill called and shared this wonderful story with us, a story of a young woman who went out of her way to help her out while she was at Walmart. Jill tells us she was shopping at the Walmart on Rome Taberg Road on a raining day. She had brought her umbrella in with her as she picked up a few items for her home and picked up a pizza for dinner. As she was shopping, the rain picked up and was now coming down in sheets.
After she paid for her goods and headed out the store, Jill noticed how bad it had started to storm. She opened her umbrella and started pushing her cart to her car. Just then, the wind picked up pretty bad. It was so bad it blew her umbrella inside-out.
Out of nowhere, a young woman came up to her and said "Let me help you." The young woman asked Jill where she had parked. Unfortunately, Jill had been in the store for a while and couldn't exactly remember. The woman told her not to worry and told her to hit the panic button on her keys to locate the vehicle. Once they found the car, the young woman pushed Jill's cart to it, and told her to get in the car. The young woman unloaded Jill's purchases and put them into the vehicle for her, so Jill could stay out of the rain.
Before Jill could do anything, the young woman was gone. She says she was like an angel. Jill doesn't know where she came from or where she went, but for those few minutes this young woman took the time out of her day to help her. And on top of all that, she didn't even have an umbrella or anything so she was completely soaked while helping Jill.
It was just a small, random act of kindness, but Jill said it made her day. And when we wrapped up our conversation with Jill, she left of us with a beautiful message. She said,
You can't lose faith in people.
And she's right. Things like this just prove there is still kindness in the world. There is still good in the world. We hear negative stories all the time, it's so nice to hear something positive. Something just like this. Thank you Jill for sharing your story with us.
Do you know someone who has done a good deed or random act of kindness? Share your ‘Lovin’ Moment’ and we’ll show you a “Little Lovin’” by putting you into a drawing to win a $50 McDonald’s gift card each month.
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