weight loss

Lose Weight and Win Money - Actually Get Paid to Drop Pounds
Lose Weight and Win Money - Actually Get Paid to Drop Pounds
Lose Weight and Win Money - Actually Get Paid to Drop Pounds
I realize this probably looks like a scam, but there's actually a company out there that will bet against you losing weight - and they'll pay you if you drop the pounds and win the bet. It's legitimate - but beware - so is the fact that they're betting and winning on the fact that Americans struggle with weight-loss goals.
Morning Light
Morning Light
Morning Light
We love it when science tells us to do things we actually love doing. Today's good news: If you normally spend your mornings cooped up in a car or cubicle, go outside and enjoy some fresh air, because new research has found a very strong link between morning light and body mass index (BMI, which is calculated from your weight and height).
A New Weight Loss Device Is Similar To A Dog Collar
A New Weight Loss Device Is Similar To A Dog Collar
A New Weight Loss Device Is Similar To A Dog Collar
Ok, weight watchers, has the miracle cure been electricity all along?  Well, there apparently there is a new product, recently approved by the FDA.  It works closely with the concept of a dog collar – You know, the thing that gives your dog a shock when he barks in an attempt to get him to ultimately stop barking?  Sound crazy?  Read on.
What You Have To Do To Burn Off The Calories From Your Fast Food
What You Have To Do To Burn Off The Calories From Your Fast Food
What You Have To Do To Burn Off The Calories From Your Fast Food
We all know that there are tons of calories in fast food, right?  We know that we shouldn't eat too much of it, but we do anyway.  Why?  Convenience and taste.  You work all day, you are tired at the end of the day, who wants to cook...
Weight Loss Coffee?
Weight Loss Coffee?
Weight Loss Coffee?
Most people, when they think about weight loss, are thinking that the AVOIDANCE of butter is typically the way to go, but hold on there slick!
Would You Stop Eating Out to Lose Weight?
Would You Stop Eating Out to Lose Weight?
Would You Stop Eating Out to Lose Weight?
With the start of the New Year come resolutions for many. One of the most popular is usually to lose weight. Before you cancel your restaurant reservations for the coming months here’s some good news. A study, published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, suggests that it’s possible to continue to eat out and still lose weight.
10 Tried-and-True Ways to Lose Weight
10 Tried-and-True Ways to Lose Weight
10 Tried-and-True Ways to Lose Weight
If you're like most people, you've probably made a New Years resolution to lose weight. Unfortunately, most people – 80 percent – tap out before they really get started. To help you maintain your goal through 2012 and for years to come, we've compiled a list of tips the experts want you to know to get on the right track to weight loss. ...

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