the tonight show

Oneida Mentioned on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon [VIDEO]
Oneida Mentioned on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon [VIDEO]
Oneida Mentioned on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon [VIDEO]
Oneida, NY was mentioned on a recent episode of 'The Tonight Show' with Jimmy Fallon. One of Fallon's regular bits on the show is a segment called "Screen Grabs" where Jimmy takes viewer submitted screen grabs and makes fun of them. Justin Acker of Oneida submitted a news clip from the Syracuse station CNY Central (WTVH-5) wishing a woman 'Happy 1000th Birthday.'
Watch Jennifer Garner Absolutely Own ‘Tonight Show’ Catchphrase
Watch Jennifer Garner Absolutely Own ‘Tonight Show’ Catchphrase
Watch Jennifer Garner Absolutely Own ‘Tonight Show’ Catchphrase
Jennifer Garner is extremely good at Catchphrase. The 'Men, Women & Children' actress hit 'The Tonight Show' last night to chat about a variety of things -- from her new film to, oops, that one time her entire family got head lice -- but she really hit her stride when it was time to play Catchphrase with host Jimmy Fallon.

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